Speaking in Tongues |
Quotes & Promises
Inspirational & Famous Quotes
Definitions & Meanings |
Bible Quotes in Song |
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Though I speak with the
tongues of men and of angels, and
have not charity, I am become as
sounding brass, or a tinkling
(1 Corinthians 13:1)
Bible Quotes |
1When the day of Pentecost
came, they were all together in
one place.
2Suddenly a sound like the
blowing of a violent wind came
from heaven and filled the whole
house where they were sitting.
3They saw what seemed to be
tongues of fire that separated and
came to rest on each of them.
4All of them were filled
with the Holy Spirit and began to
speak in other tongues as the
Spirit enabled them.
5Now there were staying in
Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from
every nation under heaven.
6When they heard this sound,
a crowd came together in
bewilderment, because each one
heard them speaking in his own
7Utterly amazed, they asked:
"Are not all these men who are
speaking Galileans?
8Then how is it that each of
us hears them in his own native
9Parthians, Medes and
Elamites; residents of
Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia,
Pontus and Asia,
10Phrygia and Pamphylia,
Egypt and the parts of Libya near
Cyrene; visitors from Rome
11 (both Jews and converts
to Judaism); Cretans and Arabs-we
hear them declaring the wonders of
God in our own tongues!"
12Amazed and perplexed, they
asked one another, "What does this
13Some, however, made fun of
them and said, "They have had too
much wine."
14Then Peter stood up with
the Eleven, raised his voice and
addressed the crowd: "Fellow Jews
and all of you who live in
Jerusalem, let me explain this to
you; listen carefully to what I
15These men are not drunk,
as you suppose. It's only nine in
the morning!
16No, this is what was
spoken by the prophet Joel:
(Acts 2:1-16)
44While Peter was still
speaking these words, the Holy
Spirit came on all who heard the
45The circumcised believers
who had come with Peter were
astonished that the gift of the
Holy Spirit had been poured out
even on the Gentiles.
46For they heard them
speaking in tongues and praising
(Acts 10:44-46)
7Now to each one the
manifestation of the Spirit is
given for the common good.
8To one there is given
through the Spirit the message of
wisdom, to another the message of
knowledge by means of the same
9to another faith by the
same Spirit, to another gifts of
healing by that one Spirit,
10to another miraculous
powers, to another prophecy, to
another distinguishing between
spirits, to another speaking in
different kinds of tongues, and to
still another the interpretation
of tongues.
11All these are the work of
one and the same Spirit, and he
gives them to each one, just as he
(1 Corinthians 12:7-11)
27Now you are the body of
Christ, and each one of you is a
part of it.
2And in the church God has
appointed first of all apostles,
second prophets, third teachers,
then workers of miracles, also
those having gifts of healing,
those able to help others, those
with gifts of administration, and
those speaking in different kinds
of tongues.
29Are all apostles? Are all
prophets? Are all teachers? Do all
work miracles?
30Do all have gifts of
healing? Do all speak in tongues?
Do all interpret?
31But eagerly desire the
greater gifts.
(1 Corinthians 12:27-31)
anyone who speaks in a tongue does
not speak to men but to God.
Indeed, no one understands him; he
utters mysteries with his spirit.
3But everyone who prophesies
speaks to men for their
strengthening, encouragement and
4He who speaks in a tongue
edifies himself, but he who
prophesies edifies the church.
5I would like every one of
you to speak in tongues, but I
would rather have you prophesy. He
who prophesies is greater than one
who speaks in tongues, unless he
interprets, so that the church may
be edified. 6Now,
brothers, if I come to you and
speak in tongues, what good will I
be to you, unless I bring you some
revelation or knowledge or
prophecy or word of instruction?
7Even in the case of
lifeless things that make sounds,
such as the flute or harp, how
will anyone know what tune is
being played unless there is a
distinction in the notes?
8Again, if the trumpet does
not sound a clear call, who will
get ready for battle?
9So it is with you. Unless
you speak intelligible words with
your tongue, how will anyone know
what you are saying? You will just
be speaking into the air.
10Undoubtedly there are all
sorts of languages in the world,
yet none of them is without
11If then I do not grasp the
meaning of what someone is saying,
I am a foreigner to the speaker,
and he is a foreigner to me.
12So it is with you. Since
you are eager to have spiritual
gifts, try to excel in gifts that
build up the church. 13For
this reason anyone who speaks in a
tongue should pray that he may
interpret what he says.
14For if I pray in a tongue,
my spirit prays, but my mind is
15So what shall I do? I will
pray with my spirit, but I will
also pray with my mind; I will
sing with my spirit, but I will
also sing with my mind.
16If you are praising God
with your spirit, how can one who
finds himself among those who do
not understand say "Amen" to your
thanksgiving, since he does not
know what you are saying?
17You may be giving thanks
well enough, but the other man is
not edified. 18I
thank God that I speak in tongues
more than all of you.
19But in the church I would
rather speak five intelligible
words to instruct others than ten
thousand words in a tongue. 20Brothers,
stop thinking like children. In
regard to evil be infants, but in
your thinking be adults.
21In the Law it is written: "Through men of strange tongues and through the lips of
foreigners I will speak to this people, but even then they will not
listen to me," says the Lord. 22Tongues,
then, are a sign, not for
believers but for unbelievers;
prophecy, however, is for
believers, not for unbelievers.
23So if the whole church
comes together and everyone speaks
in tongues, and some who do not
understand or some unbelievers
come in, will they not say that
you are out of your mind?
24But if an unbeliever or
someone who does not understand
comes in while everybody is
prophesying, he will be convinced
by all that he is a sinner and
will be judged by all,
25and the secrets of his
heart will be laid bare. So he
will fall down and worship God,
exclaiming, "God is really among
26What then shall we say,
brothers? When you come together,
everyone has a hymn, or a word of
instruction, a revelation, a
tongue or an interpretation. All
of these must be done for the
strengthening of the church.
27If anyone speaks in a
tongue, two—or at the most
three—should speak, one at a time,
and someone must interpret.
28If there is no
interpreter, the speaker should
keep quiet in the church and speak
to himself and God.
(1 Corinthians 14:2-28) |
Inspirational Quotes from Famous People |
“We may not even hold a doctrine
or seek an experience except in
Christ. Many are willing to seek
‘power’ from every battery they
can lay their hands on, in order
to perform miracles, draw the
attention and adoration of the
people to themselves, thus robbing
Christ of his glory, and making a
fair showing in the flesh…. A true
‘pentecost’ will produce a mighty
conviction for sin, a turning to
God. False manifestations produce
only excitement and wonder. Any
work that exalts the Holy Ghost or
his gifts above Jesus will finally
land up in fanaticism. Whatever
causes us to exalt and love Jesus
is well and safe. The reverse will
ruin all. the Holy Ghost is a
great light, but focused on Jesus
always, for his revealing.”
--Frank Bartleman (Frank was a
part of the Azusa Street Revival,
the birth place of modern
"For fifty years I have been
teaching, counseling and praying
for Christians from a multitude of
national and interdenominational
backgrounds. The problems in their
lives have been as varied as their
backgrounds, but underneath them
all I have discerned one basic
deficiency: They have never laid a
sound doctrinal foundation.
Consequently, they have never been
able to build a stable, successful
Christian life."
--Derek Prince, Foundations for
righteous living, 1993
"The gift of languages is given
with the commission, 'Go ye into
all the world and preach the
--William J. Seymour
in tongues is a way to communicate
through the mouth what is in our
spirit when we may not have the
cognitive resources to do it.....
The issue is ... being able to
communicate without pretension of
adequate understanding. This is a
significant breakthrough for many
because if we had to completely
understand the matters of the
Spirit before we could pray, many
of us would be cut off from
communicating with the Lord."
-- James Forbes, *The Holy Spirit
and Preaching* (Abingdon, 1989),
A member of a Pentecostal
congregation: “Pentecostals
rejected the belief of many
fundamentalists that . . . God had
ceased to reveal himself to man”
(John B. Judis).
I used to go
to these old tent revivals and
listen to the gospel singers. If
you think rock and roll is
energetic, it pales in comparison
to a Pentecostal tent revival.”
--Edgar Winter quotes